Tuesday 18 October 2011

book day

on the day of book day I went as SIR CHARLIE STINKY SOCKS and there was a compaction to see who had the best costume and I won !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Doctor Who Monster Invasion Cards

I have got 73 out of 165 cards.  And not alot of rare ones but quite good and I got a few good verses ones.  I will tell you more about them tomorrow.

How Sports day went

Sports day was an exciting time and I got my 1st ever winning sticker in year 1 and 2.  It was a great time as I went by in the potato sacks Spencer was waving me off and cheered for me.  My mum and Doran and Grandma came to support me.

Monday 27 June 2011


At school in PE we practiced our sports day activities and then I got home and went to Beavers and my mummy was helping in Beavers.  Then when I got home I was so tired out I could lay on the floor and sleep away.  Now it's bedtime tomorrow I will have sports day, I will fill you in tomorrow about that!

Making a prank set

What you will need:

A box
Some card and paper
PVA Glue
Cello tape
Kitchen Roll

What to do:

1.  Get your box and glue some paper to the front, then decorate and name your prank box
2.  To make a snake, get some paper and roll it into a sausage shape
3.  Put some tape at both ends to hold it in place
4.  Get a bowl and put some glue and water, mix it together
5.  Put strips of kitchen roll around the paper sausage and then put glue over the top and keep overlapping
6.  Once dry paint it what ever colour you want and then stick some googly eyes on the the front and a paper tongue.
7.  To make a nail in your arm.  Get some card and draw a nail and cut out.
8.  Stick the nail to the underneath of your arm and cello tape it on.  When you turn your arm over it will look like you have a nail in your arm.

More to follow soon and some pictures.
Have fun and have a good time pranking people.

Friday 24 June 2011

Welcome to my blog

Hi I'm Chaz

I'm cool and I am going to tell you how things work in my life!

hope you enjoy

from Me